Account Hacking from In-Game

As I explained before, you can not get hacked from in-game. I also explained how the client works. In this part I will explain how you can not get hacked from in the game, it’s impossible.

People think that you can get hacked if whispered to or traded. To explain this, I looked at a few packets (legit). When the client sends the whisper packet, it sends the header, same as in all data packets. After that it will send the recipient and the message that you are sending that person. Based on the recipient, the server will most likely then send a data packet to the receiver. Nowhere in this relationship to the two clients communicate at all in any direct way; the server does all that for them, as it should. In no way can a hacker abuse whispers.

Trades are similar. The client will send a packet for spawning a trade, the server will then most likely make a new object for that trade. An object is basically a data space reserved for a set of data containing properties and such. After that multiple packets are sent between the two clients and the server, but the two clients never directly interact in any way. A hacker can not abuse this relationship in any way either.

Surly you must think that the clients have a link when you are in the same map. Sadly, that is not true. There are packets for spawning the player, moving the player and just about everything you can think of. When coded properly, this does not lag at all. Look at google; it searches over 8000000000 pages every search in less than 1 second.

There are some really negative comments here about RaiderZ

There are some really negative comments here about this game. Most of them i wouldn’t take into account considering their first sentence is either all in capitals or contains profanity.

The game is unique, in that it employs a more skill based fighting system in an open world setting. There are other games that use this style, however. Other games tend to be instanced based and sometimes have a Stamina system that make it hard to play for more than 2 hours at a time before putting money into the game. RaiderZ is fun and lets you mix and match classes, but because the level cap is low it really is not wise if you want to be effective. Playing with a group of friends, and trying to defeat some of the larger bosses is a lot of fun. End game is the same as every other mmo, grind grind grind the same thing over and over.

I reached lvl 35 within a week and still had quests to turn in by that point. If you do quests you should have no issue with leveling at a decent speed. PVP is a little broken considering that Clerics really have no hope and some classes can stun you till you are dead. The voice acting is pretty bad at this stage, party composition doesn’t matter (which can be nice in certain situations), armor designs are pretty, and the GM’s are little cheaters. Total biscuit played with some and his cleric kept maxing out their health and mana. Shame on those GM’s.

SWTOR – F2P model… good and bad…

Hey peeps, some of you already know that SWTOR is finally F2P… Well, in theory the game is F2P, unfortunately the F2P component is not exactly what I call ideal. Is very limited and you cant play effectively as a F2P player.

There is a few good things in the new model, its free to try it out and you can get extra stuff with real money, if you really like the game. You can buy the things you need and get away with it, if you do have the money to expend in a short burst… (Credit Cards are wonderful sometimes!!!).

The bad thing is that your F2P experience is going to be very restricted unless you put some real money into the game, its kinda strange that after all the failures and mishaps in SWTOR, the developers want to force people into giving them money, its a bit more pleasing if you are persuaded into giving them a few bucks from time to time…

I am serious, the game is forcing you to put some money into it, otherwise you wont be able to do the most basic things like using all your skills, because you only have 1 skill bar as a F2P player, you need to buy more skill bars if you want more hotkeys and the ability to use your skills.

I can understand that you limit the ammount of warzones and instances that you can do as a F2P member… but, CMON!!!! I need the skill bars to play the game, one skill bar is not even good enough at all if you have a level 50 character.

Right now, SWTOR is not F2P, its a trial version with a F2P mask on top of it. At the best, the Rift Freebie trial is a lot better than the whole SWTOR model… Sometimes I wonder why in the hell they decided to do this and call it F2P, maybe it looks good in their financial sheet, after all, they are lacking subscribers.

In conclusion, The F2P model is a Trial version of the game, you still need to pay if you want the full package and not just extras. If you do want to play the F2P game…

The In-Game Economy and Leveling Up

When it соmеs to the game есоnоmу in Guild Wars 2, Guild wars 2 has one of the most intuitive. That’s why I made this article. There are 2 main currencіеs in use: the рrimаrу bеіng сoins whіch iѕ mаde up оf gold and its different units while guilds make use of іnfluenсе. Influenсе iѕ used fоr buyіng upgrаdeѕ аnd whаt nоt fоr guіlds and іѕ a neceѕѕіty for јoіning group fights аѕ wеll аѕ PvP. Thе gоld соunterрart is thе mаin currеnсy and thuѕ соuld alsо bе used to purсhаѕе influenсе.Influеncе іѕ nоt as diffiсult tо оbtain as іt mаy ѕеem. It сan be eаrnеd via іn bоth plaуer verѕus еnvіrоnmеnt (PvE) fightѕ and рlayer versus plауer (PvP) еvеnts. Gamers саn аlѕо еarn influenсе bу асcерtіng guіld іnvitations as wеll аѕ іf they arе оnlinе durіng an аttendаnce cheсk. All ѕortѕ of рolitical upgrаdeѕ whіch maу іnclude guild emblеms, buffѕ, раrty itеms or guild аrmorѕ саn bе bought by uѕіng influenсе. Othеr thаn that, the Art оf War upgrаdеѕ whісh аrе mоrе or less buffѕ fоr world vеrsus world еvеntѕ arе alsо obtаіned by wау оf influence. Othеr guild upgradeѕ thаt mаkeѕ use of influencе аrе есonomу and architectural upgrades.

Aѕ fоr thе mаin Guіld Wаrѕ 2 currеncy, it iѕ mаde up оf threе unitѕ: brоnze, sіlvеr аnd gоld, wіth gold bеіng the lаrgest form. Thrоughоut the game, gamеrѕ wіll fіnd that gоld iѕ a neсеѕsitу in оrdеr tо ѕmoothlу рrоgrеsѕ tо thе level саp. The may look to several guides to guild wars 2 for advice. There аre ѕеveral ways to еаrn gоld, thе mоѕt commоn of which is bу killing mobs іn PvE ѕettіngѕ аnd loоting. Othеr mеаnѕ оf еаrnіng gold inсlude cоmрlеtion оf game еvеntѕ, selling away itemѕ to NPC vendors, fіlling a heart mеtеr and of соurѕe by wаy оf trading goodѕ with othеr gamerѕ.

Aѕ plaуerѕ prоgrеsѕ through thе storуlіne, thеу wіll fіnd that more аnd mоre gоld are сallеd for tо gеt higher level weaрons, іn order to рurchаse upgrades, reраir аrmorѕ as well aѕ fоr teleportatiоn. Plауеrѕ with more gold аt their dіѕроsal will fіnd thаt the leveling рrogrеsѕіоn tо the levеl cаp аutomаtісаllу beсоmеѕ fаster. For obvіous rеaѕonѕ, gold іѕ usеd fоr telеpоrtatіоn, tеleportаtiоn іn іtsеlf avoіdѕ lеngthy рlаytіme waѕtеd on travelіng on foоt betweеn dеѕtinаtions. More gоld аlso mеаns the abіlіty to rеѕеt trаіt роіnts morе оftеn, never having tо hаve second thoughtѕ аbоut rеpаіrіng brokеn attirе, purсhаѕing expеnѕіvе іtеms frоm vеndоrѕ оr trаding аwаy with othеr plаyers. All of thеѕе, in сombinаtіon еnаblеѕ thе riсhеr gamer to quiсkеn the leveling up timе, bе it bу way оf bеttеr wеaponѕ to rеаp in expеrіencе pointѕ from tаking dоwn mоbѕ or telеpоrting betwеen wауроintѕ.

WvW Overview and General Strategies


World versus World: Resource Camps, Towers and Keeps General Strategies


When in the Player versus Players realm, the main goal is to control as many parts of the entire map as possible. To do this you must attack, defeat and hold resource camps, towers and keeps around the whole world.  Each location has a number of NPC’s and a “boss” that protects the capture point, all of which will try to kill you. Think of it like a fantasy story. You are the white knight on a shining horse, the capture point is the princess that you want to kiss (And maybe more…) and the defending champion Npc  is the dragon that will spare no moment of hesitation to turn you into a flaming piece of meat (Or vegetable for all you sylvari players and vegans out their). All of this is rather easy if you follow my advice, since you only have to do half of the hard stuff. The easier part is holding the point, but getting there is a whole different story.

To summarize what I previously said, I will say it in a couple of brief words: break through defense –>Kill Npc’s –>Defeat the Points and top Npc. Some may think that you have to have an organized guild for something like this with plans and Ventrilo/TeamSpeak/mumble or whatever people use nowadays to communicate. To this I immediately disagree. The makers of Guild Wars 2 put in the function of the crossed swords on the WvW map for a reason. They show the location of the current, most intense fights occurring. Doing player versus player is as simple as you showing up there and assisting fellow team members even if you don’t know each other. If people group together and work as a team, not only will you be able to accomplish a lot but you will have the time of your life. So without a further moment wasted, let us begin!

Introduction to Crafting


Right from the start few people will realize they many options they have as to what they can go out and do in order to level-up. Some choose for a more PvP oriented play style to   level up others find more enjoyment in a PvE playstyle which also includes the added benefit of spendable Karma Points. Apart from PvE and PvP, players can also Craft, which in contrary to popular belief gives decent amounts of Exp, and each profession can easily level a character 8-10 times once they get their crafting discipline to level cap. Crafting, as in many other games, is gathering materials, (or Mats for short) and then crafting something out of them (pretty self-explanatory). The concept of gathering materials and then using it to create usable creations also exists in Guild Wars 2. Throughout the world of Tyria, there are random spots where you can gather resources: ore, wood, and plants. These are the basic crafting components that you will use to kick start your crafting. Some people prefer to only gather only one or two of those resources because only those two apply to their profession. Before you ask “Does that mean that my guardian can only craft certain items which pertain to that profession?” well no, and let me explain.

The makers of Guild Wars 2 decided to have multiple forms of crafting so that there was a larger diversity in what people would make and possibly sell to others. Each class of crafting has its own types of items it will yield and no two are alike. This being said, you should also know that a single character is only permitted to have 2 types of crafting professions at one time. Although if you want to learn another crafting discipline, than you can pick up that discipline by going to the designated crafting trainer, and initiating conversation. After which, there will be a dialog box where you can trade crafting disciplines. If you do trade a discipline, than the experience of the discipline being traded will not disappear. If you want the traded discipline back, then you can talk with that designated trader and he can give it back to for a small fee.

How to Obtain and Use Upgrades


For the battling players of Tyria, the stronger your gear is, the farther you can travel and conquer, and the further you conquer, the more of a badass you are. (you know it’s true). You can always go and spend a ton of money on some rare piece of equipment that is a bit stronger than the typical piece you can buy from an NPC. However for those who want to have that feeling of satisfaction of obtaining your own equips, don’t fret you can still get that amazing boost that you think you can only dream of. In this guide to guild wars 2, I will explain in how to upgrade your tools and gadgets to feel twice as powerful and dish out that extra punch while in the field of battle.

Methods of Obtainment:

Just like in many other MMO’s, upgrades come in the form of items that need to be obtained either by being bought or looted from the dead carcass of creatures. Theoretically where can those items be on the mob? Obviously the large tree hadn’t been carrying the great sword at its side the whole time. So in my opinion you are technically pulling these upgrades out of the guts of dead mobs.  :D
Another method of getting these upgrades is through gathering resources. Often when mining the most basic of upgrade materials can be found. The same applies to gathering wood. For obvious purposes I don’t think the game designers would really want gems to be popping up with your carrots you might eat later…
The final method that is also used to obtain materials is through crafting them. Recipes for these items can be bought at karma merchants, and the more rarer ones found off of bosses and mobs. The upgrades will only be available to the player, if they have the crafting level necessary to make them. Most of the items that are used for upgrades that are craft-able might cost a pretty sum because of the items put into the making so expect a large scale of differences in cost.

Guild Wars 2 Dungeon Guide


Dungeons-One of the funnest, most interesting, and definitely worthwhile things to do in Guild Wars 2-in fact, definitely one of my favorite things to do. Although it can be quite annoying, especially because Guild Wars 2 have some of the most advanced and hardest dungeons that I’ve seen in a long time. The bosses are many, the mobs are abundant, and the fun can be infinite.

Order of Kills and Target

Guild Wars 2 loves innovation-like any good MMORPG should. Because of this, mobs react differently than mobs in any other MMORPG that you would expect to play. In GW2 they try to help their teammates, can heal each other, etcetera. Because of this, it makes it crucial to establish a kill order and plan before engaging a group of targets. For example, killing Ascalonian monks in Ascalonian caves, then Mesmers and Elementalists, is a popular kill plan in Ascalonian cavern.

For obvious reasons, sometimes it may be necessary to repeatedly engage the group multiple times before finding the optimal kill order.  In GW2, it’s not always about killing casters first. But hey! It’s all part of the fun o’ the game!

Once you have a plan on who to kill first, then you will want to make a more specific plan, and assign someone to call out a target. Fortunately, this is made super-easy with Guild Wars 2, and they even have hotkeys for it. To call a target, you have to first have them targeted. Then press [Ctrl] + [T] this will make an obnoxious and obvious flag above the target, and allow for other party members to easily recognize which mob to focus. From there, the party can press [T] to automatically target that same target.

Focusing down mobs will make dungeons easier and make the dungeon enjoyable, so by all means do it!