Account Hacking from In-Game
As I explained before, you can not get hacked from in-game. I also explained how the client works. In this part I will explain how you can not get hacked from in the game,...
As I explained before, you can not get hacked from in-game. I also explained how the client works. In this part I will explain how you can not get hacked from in the game,...
First of all, I want to clear up some lies that foolish people here have been telling you. First of all, accepting trades, party invites and chats is completely safe and you cannot be...
There are some really negative comments here about this game. Most of them i wouldn’t take into account considering their first sentence is either all in capitals or contains profanity. The game is unique,...
Hey peeps, some of you already know that SWTOR is finally F2P… Well, in theory the game is F2P, unfortunately the F2P component is not exactly what I call ideal. Is very limited and...
Over the course of the Closed Beta, and Open Beta season I have seen players quit Ghost Recon Online because they claim it was too difficult. With the cover system being the main feature...
When it соmеs to the game есоnоmу in Guild Wars 2, Guild wars 2 has one of the most intuitive. That’s why I made this article. There are 2 main currencіеs in use: the...
World versus World: Resource Camps, Towers and Keeps General Strategies When in the Player versus Players realm, the main goal is to control as many parts of the entire map as possible. To...
Right from the start few people will realize they many options they have as to what they can go out and do in order to level-up. Some choose for a more PvP oriented play...
For the battling players of Tyria, the stronger your gear is, the farther you can travel and conquer, and the further you conquer, the more of a badass you are. (you know it’s true)....
Dungeons-One of the funnest, most interesting, and definitely worthwhile things to do in Guild Wars 2-in fact, definitely one of my favorite things to do. Although it can be quite annoying, especially because Guild...